

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012


The QT113 charge-transfer (“QT’”) touch sensor is a self-contained digital IC capable of detecting near-proximity or touch. It will project a proximity sense field through air, and any dielectric like glass, plastic, stone, ceramic, and most kinds of wood. It can also turn small metal-bearing objects into intrinsic sensors, making them responsive to proximity or touch. This capability coupled with its ability to self calibrate continuously can lead to entirely new product concepts.

It is designed specifically for human interfaces, like control panels, appliances, toys, lighting controls, or anywhere a mechanical switch or button may be found; it may also be used for some material sensing and control applications provided that the presence duration of objects does not exceed the recalibration timeout interval.

Power consumption is only 600µA in most applications. In most cases the power supply need only be minimally regulated, for example by Zener diodes or an inexpensive 3-terminal regulator. The QT113 requires only a common inexpensive capacitor in order to function.

The QT113’s RISC core employs signal processing techniques pioneered by Quantum; these are specifically designed to make the device survive real-world challenges, such as ‘stuck sensor’ conditions and signal drift.

The option-selectable toggle mode permits on/off touch control, for example for light switch replacement. The
Quantum-pioneered HeartBeat™ signal is also included, allowing a microcontroller to monitor the health of the QT113 continuously if desired. By using the charge transfer principle, the IC delivers a level of performance clearly superior to older technologies in a highly cost-effective package.

  • Light switches
  • Appliance control
  • Access systems
  • Elevator buttons
  • Prox sensors
  • Security systems
  • Pointing devices
  • Consumer devices

  • 8-PIN DIP QT113-DG
  • SOIC QT113-ISG

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